Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Possible Dance?

If everyone recalls we were planning to have a dance soon. I have been talking to advisory team members and they said that they are thinking of planning a fall ball. I was thinking we could arrange a meeting with them-only the board-and discuss the dance and maybe we could make some fundraiser money from it. I am confident this plan will work and if we don't help plan the dance then we might run into class night, if the dance is later in the year. I think we should do this ASAP!

Dan Arthur


  1. So would it just be the five of us and the entire Advisory Team or split up somehow?

  2. A'ight, we just need to make sure we don't "bite off more than we can chew". (Ha. Seems to be a recurring theme this year, doesn't it?) Seriously though, we don't wanna make money that we can't do anything with due to shipping and stuff we talked about last month.
    But yeah, the dance sounds good, as long as we stay under budget!

    -Danny Barbati, Webmaster

  3. Again, I have a lot of nightclub seven stuff that might save us some cash if we want to use any of it.


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